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  1. Copyrights
While transferring a manuscript to the editorial board the author guarantees that it is provided to publishing for the first time and has not been published in other periodicals in full form or partly before.
Elucidation of copyright transfer to the publisher
In accordance with the valid Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part IV, it is enough to have an oral agreement for publishing a manuscript in a printed periodical, but when placing an article to electronic version it is mandatory to get a written agreement of copyright transfer (a guarantee letter) from every author for the editorial board to protect their rights on publishing of articles.
By means of a guarantee letter the author proves exclusive copyrights on article and transfers non-exclusive rights to the Collection of scientific papers of the Donetsk Railway Transport Institute for publishing in the corresponding issue of the journal.
In a guarantee letter the author also agrees with transfer and placing an electronic version of an article on site of Scientific Electronic Library (eLibrary) and with including an article into database of Scientific Electronic Library and Russian Universal Scientific Electronic Library.