- The collection of scientific papers
- To the authors
- The procedure for submitting, reviewing and publishing scientific articles in the “Collection of Scientific Works of DONIZHT”
- Requirements for the format of articles
- To help authors — (examples of article formatting)
- The procedure for considering articles published in the “Collection of Scientific Works of DONIZHT”
- Copyright
- About the magazine
- Editorial Board
- Collection Policy
- Sections of the Collection of Scientific Works
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- Publication ethics
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- Archive of issues (contents, annotations, information about the authors)
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- Subscription information
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The collection of scientific papers of the Donetsk Railway Transport Institute is the legal successor of the Collection of scientific papers of the Donetsk Railway Transport Institute of the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport (certificate of state registration KV No. 9278 dated 10/21/2004).
The collection of scientific papers of the Donetsk Railway Transport Institute is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (mass media registration certificate ПИ No. ФС77-86589dated December 26, 2023).
On February 8, 2007, ‘The collection of scientific papers of the Donetsk Railway Transport Institute’ was registered with the ISSN International agency (ISSN International Centre 20, Rue Bachaumont, 75002 PARI, FRANCE). The collection was assigned the number ISSN 1993-5579.
The founder and publisher of the journal is the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Donetsk Railway Transport Institute’ (FSBEIHEDRTI).
The editor-in-chief of the collection is M.N. Cheptsov,Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
The Editorial Board includes leading scientists from DRTI, as well as from other leading scientific and academic universities in Russia.
Currently, the journal is published with a frequency of 4 issues per year (quarterly).
The edition has a circulation of 105 copies.
Since May 2024, the Collection has been included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences and for the degree of Doctor of Sciences should be published.
The collection of scientific papers of Donetsk Railway Transport Institute is sent to Federal State Budget Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Scientific and Technical Information’, Russian State Library, State Budget Institution of Donetsk People’s Republic ‘Donetsk Republican Universal Scientific Library named after N.K. Krupskaya’, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of Russian Federation.
The collection of scientific papers of the Donetsk Railway Transport Institute is included in the Russian Science Citation Index system.